Hyeonwoo (Henry) Yu (link)
Hyeonwoo Yu is an assistant professor of the Department of Intelligent Robotics at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea from Mar. 2024.
Research Interest
His research focuses on how to bridge the gap between the artificial intelligence (AI) and the robotics. By exploiting robot perception, navigation and locomotion, he contributes to make AI and robotics mutually beneficial. The ultimate goal is to develop adaptive robots that can automatically explore unknown environments and learn for their own purposes such as long-horizon task planning.
To achieve this goal, he pursues the fusion of robot navigation, locomotion and probabilistic perception model. The specific research areas involve multi-object and semantic scene understanding, deep generative model for probabilistic observation, visual navigation and exploration, zero-shot learning and continual learning.
Robot Perception, SLAM, Generative Model, Semantic Scene Understanding, 3D Neural Fields, Zero-shot Learning, Vision-Language Model, Navigation, Reinforcement Learning, Locomotion
hwyu2019 (at) gmail (dot) com
Work Experience
(Mar `24 ~ Current) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Intelligent Robotics, SKKU, South Korea
(Feb `22 ~ Feb `24) Assistant Professor, Electrical Eng. & Grad. School of AI (affiliated), UNIST, South Korea
(Mar `20 ~ Dec `21) Postdoctoral Researcher, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, US
(Mar `14 ~ Feb `20) Graduate Research Assistant, ASRI, Seoul National University, South Korea
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
(Thesis: A Variational Observation Model of 3D Multi-Object in 2D Single Scene for Semantic SLAM)
B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea